Studiopepe is a design agency founded in Milan in 2006, by Arianna Lelli Mami and Chiara Di Pinto. Studiopepe’s focus is on design and research through the use of a multidisciplinary approach: this includes architecture and interior design (retail, hotels, private commissions), product design and creative direction. The language they use for their designs is stratified and eclectic, uniting poetic vision and rigorous design. Art, installations, study of formal archetypes, experiments with materials and the dialogue between opposites are some of the themes developed by the Studio.

From £2,108
From £3,554
From £9,816
From £2,136
From £5,122
From £2,064
From £4,162
From £1,140
From £5,950
From £14,172
From £264
From £7,044